Yixin Tang TCM Clinic


7 Tanjong Pagar Road
Singapore 081007
(see map)

+65 65349817
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cantonment / Tanjong Pagar / Chinatown
Tanjong Pagar Mrt


Mon to Sun: 10.00am - 8.30pm, PH: 10.00am - 6.00pm

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  • Yixin Tang TCM Clinic
  • Yixin Tang TCM Clinic
  • Yixin Tang TCM Clinic
  • Yixin Tang TCM Clinic

Business Description

Situated at Tanjong Pagar Plaza, Yixin Tang TCM Clinic offers one-stop medical and healthcare services to the office crowd as well as residents living in the neighbourhood.

The clinic specialises in occupational health problems such as migraine, stiff neck and shoulder pains, finger numbness, backache, rheumatism, arthritis, sport injuries, ovary, reproductive organs and kidney maintenance, fertility, lymph detoxification, acupoint slimming and insomnia through TCM internal medicine, acupuncture, tuina (massage) and cupping therapies.

Some benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine :
-    Offer an insightful diagnosis into the root causes of your sickness
-    Regulates female menstrual cycle, improve and enhance reproductive organs
-    Wellness body massage to maintain and improve ovary and kidney health
-    Acupressure slimming massage helps to improve and speed up metabolism of the body
-    Body massage to relieve stress, tiredness, aches and pains and promote general body circulation.
-    Regular neck and shoulder massage to relieve repetitive muscular strains and pains.

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