Portrait Gallery


484 River Valley Road
Singapore 248369
(see map)

+65 62357757
Photography & Videography , Outdoor Furnishing & Equipment
Tanglin / Dempsey / Orchard


Mon - Sat: 11:00 - 19:30

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  • Portrait Gallery

Business Description

Portrait Gallery began as a business dealing in wedding photography in 1990. Following its success in the genre, the firm eventually ventured into People, Family, Children, Convocation and Commercial photography.

A Quest for Learning:
We commit ourselves to acquiring knowledge and skills in the profession by attending professional workshops and courses. We have travelled far to learn the tricks of the trade from the very best photographers in the UK and US.

Portrait Gallery believes in providing professional works of the utmost best quality. We invest in high-end equipment to ensure good image quality. Matthew and his team oversee the process of the final artwork. Each photo is customized to detail, digitally enhanced and printed to the highest laboratory standards. Only high quality US canvas is used for all canvas-pressed photographs.

Our images testify to our professionalism and mastery in lighting, angles and perspective and most importantly, our ability to direct and bring out the beauty of our subjects.

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Portrait Gallery

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