Children Network


7A Galistan Ave
Singapore 669694
(see map)

+65 63144551
Nurseries & Preschools
Phoenix Mrt


Mon to Fri: 7am - 7pm, Sat: 7am - 2pm, Sun & PH: Closed

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  • Children Network

Business Description

Set up in 2002, Children Network has nurtured and prepared hundreds of children that have come through our doors. Founded by graduates in Early Childhood Education, the centre aims to provide a conducive learning environment for children aged 2 months to 6 years and supervised student care for children 7 to 12 years of age.

Our trained Teachers facilitate Integrated Learning to provide a challenging and interesting learning experience for our children. We combine Montessori and Thematic approaches giving children the best of both pedagogies. This allows children to learn best according to their development – concrete learning when they are younger and tackling worksheets and working with abstract that requires analytical skills to problem solve as they get older. Project work and acquiring real life skills are valued added features of our K1 & K2 curriculum. We, at Children Network, believe that children need to learn many real life skills to help prepare them for life. Children take on projects and practice life skills like doing research, presenting their work in front of their class, taking public transport, ordering and buying items to help them build real life skills which will stand them in good stead later in life.

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Children Network

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